Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lollipop Balloons

Materials: balloons, cellophane, dowels, paintbrush, scissors, black tape, white paint, string

This is an adorable idea I found online which is absolutely simple in execution as well - lollipop balloons.

What you can use 'em for you ask? Try a Candyland theme or a Willy Wonka theme or a Sweet factory theme to name a few.

Children will love it! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Make Your Own Hobbyhorse

As promised this is my post on teaching you how to make those cute hobbyhorses I made recently. 

Here we go. 

Kids just love running around and pretending to be one thing or another. One say they are superheroes, the next cowboys and cowgirls and the next Bob the Builder of Dora or Little Einstein and the list goes on and on and on. Their life is filled with  imaginary adventures. So I thought, why not use that to my advantage and create a birthday activity out of it.

I did. And the children LOVED it.

So here’s how you, if you have pony themed or just want to give something fun to your kid to play with, make hobbyhorses just like I did for My Little Pony Birthday.

You will need:

- A wooden stick or pipe (I cut it to 3 feet according to the children’s height)
- Poly-fil
- Socks (medium or large)
- Felt or fabric paper (I used fabric paper)
- Yarn for hair (I used fabric paper as hair)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Needle (should you choose to make the hair out of yarn)
- Jute or yarn string

Here’s how: (I’ll use reference images from the internet since I didn’t take any while  I was fussing over mine)

Step 1: Fill the sock with poly-fil, put it all that you can. Stuff, stuff, stuff. 

Step 2: Now start cutting your accessories; eyes, nose, bridle, harness and hair out of felt/fabric paper. I kept the size of my bridle and harness 1” in width and measured the length according the horses head size.

Step 3: Glue the ears on the head, pinching them in first to make it look more real. You can also sew them in. 

Step 4: Glue the eyes and the nose in place. 

Step 5: wrap the bridle felt/fabric paper around the mouth and glue it in place. 

Step 6: Hair. There are different ways you can do this. If you are doing it with yarn, be ready for a tedious task. I found the easiest visual tutorial for you here. I just used 1/2" wide strips of fabric paper or felt and glued them on the top of the head, fanning them out.

Step 7: Add the harness connecting it to the bridle by merely gluing it together.

Step 8: Take the wooden dowel  or pipe (whichever your choice), make a ridge around it at about 1 foot.

Step 9: Insert it into the sock opening, pushing it as far as the sock ankle. Now fill in the rest of the sock leaving about 2" at the end empty.

Step 10: Tie the end of the sock securely with a string of yarn exactly where the notch is.

And now giddy up!

Have fun with colours and techniques. Like this - 

or this -

or these -
Stick Horse #Diy

Until next time. YEE HAW!